
The Shaded Dome nominated for the Vernufteling 2016


The Shaded Dome, developed by Royal HaskoningDHV, ZJA Zwarts & Jansma Architects and Poly-Ned, is one of the nine nominees for the Vernufteling 2016. This is an annual prize for the most innovative project by a Dutch engineering firm. 

Using this link you can cast your vote.

The winner will be announced on March 16th during the Dag van de Ingenieur at Inholland in Delft. The award is an initiative of NLingenieurs, KIVI, NIRIA and the trade journal De Ingenieur.




Shaded Dome

The Shaded Dome concept

When approaching a Shaded Dome one might wonder: is this a tent or a building? Entering and studying it clarifies that the most correct…

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ZJA Structural

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In the design philosophy of ZJA an architectural plan emerges out of a creative interplay between the needs of people and their environment…

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