Enzo Ree Boeter

I wanted to work at ZJA because there is such a strong focus on bringing constructive, technical design and architectural design closer together.

Both his parents are architects and he remembers that when visiting a museum, their enthusiasm for the building was often greater than for the art on display. With a talent for mathematics and physics, he chose to study mechanical engineering in Delft, mainly because it is a broad study and he was still searching. He soon discovered that a future as an engineer would probably mean an overdose of technical thinking for him. And a lack of creative freedom and social involvement. He switched to architecture and, in his master's degree, worked on a design for a wooden apartment complex on the coast in Tallinn, Estonia. He was interested in developing a modular building system that combined old and new knowledge of building with wood.

'I thought it was great that you design something based on the question of how something can be made, and at the same time create a living environment for people. I thought that people lived upstairs and downstairs was a wood workshop, because of the maintenance and new construction in the area, and where people could also follow workshops on working with wood. So a social function.'

He wanted to work at ZJA because there is such a strong focus on bringing constructive, technical design and architectural design closer together. He thinks it is wonderful that the best design sometimes leads to the creation of a unique construction system. In his spare time he plays the guitar, runs around the football field and bakes bread. ZJA's location in Amsterdam arouses his enthusiasm, he looks forward to getting to know unknown parts of the city.