Paper: Super integration

Paper: Capital C, geometric optimization of a free-form steel gridshell towards planar quadrilateral glass units
The former Diamond Exchange building in Amsterdam, now called Capital C, is restored to its former glory and currently undergoing a major…

Paper: The Shaded Dome: A smart, cool & adaptable facility for sport venues
Sports are an integral part of human life and their practice is a common pleasure among people all over the world. Once nature does not…

Paper: Hjulstabron (Hjulsta bridge), Sweden
In Sweden, the existing Hjulsta bridge that connects Norrköping to Uppsala via the Highway 55 needs to be replaced by a new bridge. The…

Paper: Bicycle and pedestrian bridge Sittard-Geleen
The steel bicycle and pedestrian bridge crossing the railway line Sittard-Maastricht intends to simplify and increase contacts between the…

Paper: Shaded Dome: a hybrid air-supported – tensile membrane structure
The Shaded Dome is a semi-permanent facility, comprised of an air-supported dome covered by a tensile membrane shade. The two layers are…

Paper: The Buoyancy bridge, Norway
The new buoyancy bridge concept is a unique example of extreme bridge design and engineering. It has been developed for the 4 kilometer…