
New Antwerp-West intersection now in use

Since the evening of Friday 12 May, motorists have been able to use the first parts of the new Antwerp-West intersection, designed by architectural studio ZJA and commissioned by Lantis. At this intersection the E17 (Ghent) joins the Antwerp Ring (R1) at the Kennedy Tunnel. The enormous flyovers in the junction are striking as they meet in an elegant line. New roads and bridges make the intersection more compact and safer, as well as ensuring a swifter flow of traffic. The opening of the new intersection is the first major step in the creation of the Oosterweel Connection on the Left Bank of the Scheldt that will complete the Antwerp Ring.

New and more compact intersection frees up space for bicycles and green areas

With a renewed and above all more compact intersection, eighteen hectares of space are made available for a new wood, called the Katwilgbos. All the roads were previously some distance apart, spread out across the landscape. They have now been brought together at different levels, so that they lie closer together and are more compact. The amount of space lost between carriageways has been reduced.

Jochem Verbeek, project architect at ZJA



New infrastructure and traffic rollout phases

A large park bridge at the Kennedy Tunnel creates an ecological link between the new wood and the Burchtse Weel nature reserve, as well as carrying the Ring’s cycle path across the highway, completing the Ring for the bicycle as well.

Transparent sound barriers ensure that traffic still has a view of the landscape. As far as possible, the slip roads are sunk into the landscape under the through roads. To protect the surroundings from the highway, green sound-reducing verges have been created, as well as tall glass and wooden noise barriers.

The junction will be opened in phases. The southern part was opened to traffic on the night of 12-13 May and the northern part will follow in early June.

Oosterweel Connection – Completing the Antwerp Ring

For years Antwerp has struggled with congestion, and with long traffic jams on the Ring. The Oosterweel Connection, a new motorway link between the Left and Right Banks of the Scheldt that completes the Antwerp Ring, means that the traffic will flow more freely and noise and air pollution will be reduced. The creation of space for new parks in the Ring zone will improve the lived environment considerably. Soon the Ring will no longer form a wall that divides Antwerp. The Oosterweel Connection is an important part of the Masterplan 2020 and is intended to solve the structural mobility problems in and around Antwerp. 

Architect: ZJA
Commissioned by: Lantis (Leefbaar Antwerpen door Innovatie en Samenwerken), a government body in combination with Sweco Belgium and Witteveen+Bos
Building contractor (infrastructure): Aannemerscombinatie Rinkoniên (Artes Roegiers, Artes Depret, CIT Blaton, MOBILIS and Stadsbader)

The park bridge is designed by Ney & Partners.



First part of Oosterweel Connection finished

Another milestone for the Oosterweel Connection in Antwerp! The roadworks on the left bank of the Scheldt and in Zwijndrecht have been…

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