
First part of Oosterweel Connection finished

New left bank and Zwijndrecht motorways completed

Another milestone for the Oosterweel Connection in Antwerp! The roadworks on the left bank of the Scheldt and in Zwijndrecht have been completed six months earlier than planned. Since 2019, a lot of hard work has gone into the complete overhaul of the highway and intersections, leaving them safer and more compact. Space has also been made for more than 16 kilometres of new cycle paths, green verges and nature. Architectural studio ZJA is responsible for the architectonic design of the motorways, cycle connections and infrastructure.

Jochem Verbeek (project architect at ZJA) says, “Anyone driving along the Antwerp Ring Road now gets a completely different sensation from a few years ago. Although work to solve congestion problems will take a while yet, the appearance of the road has already undergone a full transformation. Not only have the new flyovers on the Left Bank become downright spectacular, ZJA has also created new ecoducts and cycle routes with attractive bicycle bridges and pleasant underpasses. As on the motorway itself, these are all in the same visual style, in order to guarantee clarity and continuity.”

A better living environment

In addition to improvements to the highway itself, reduction in noise and air pollution, uncluttering of views and the creation of space for new public parks in the zone of the Ring are an integral part of the new Oosterweel Connection. On the right bank, countless roofs and tunnels will ensure there is much-needed green breathing space above and next to the road.


Work recently started on the tunnels under the Albert Canal, which will connect the future Oosterweel intersection with the deepened Ring.

Beside and over the Ring Road, ZJA has designed pedestrian and cycle connections that increase the quality and green nature of those interventions and contribute to the desired modal shift. All the work is expected to be finished by 2030. Then the notorious Antwerp Ring will no longer divide the city like a wall but instead function as the green heart the city has so long yearned for.

Visit the building site

With the delivery of the infrastructure, major work on the left bank is now coming to an end, aside from the building of the Scheldt Tunnel. This new tunnel for both motorists and cyclists, almost two kilometres long, will complete the Ring to the north of Antwerp and connect the new Sint-Anna intersection on the left bank with the future complex of entry and exit roads at the Oosterweel intersection close to Noordkasteel on the right bank.


Een betere leefomgeving

Both the impressive wharf with the preparatory work on the left bank and the temporary dry dock in Zeebrugge, where eight gigantic tunnel elements are being built, will be open to the public during Open Wervendag (Open Construction Sites Day) on Sunday 26 May. The nearby wharf of the Royers Lock, built to an architectonic design by ZJA, can also be visited.

About the Ooosterweel connection

Antwerp has struggled for years with immense congestion and long traffic jams on its ring road. The Oosterweel Connection will join up the Antwerp Ring, improving the flow of traffic. Furthermore, a large number of liveability projects on this new motorway connection between the left and right banks of the Scheldt will make the surrounding area a far more pleasant place to live. Here you can read more about ZJA’s designs for the right and left banks of the river. 



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