
Zuidasdok, Amsterdam

Where the city is bursting at the seams

Office lofts PIER14

Technical refinement with maritime character

A4 Delft – Schiedam

First Honey Highway of Europe

Docking the Amsterdam

Sunken VOC ship recovered in building

Rotterdam Ahoy, Rotterdam

A playground for Rotterdam

Sports centre Sportoase Groot Schijn, Deurne

Ice and water sustainably united

Wintrack pylons

Technology in slim silhouette

Shelters, The Hague and environs

Characteristic element of the street furniture

Sognefjord Buoyancy Bridge, Norway

Innovative floating bridge seamlessly integrates with dramatic landscape

Extended Waal bridge, Nijmegen

Making room for the river

Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam

Saving the old botanical garden

Wildlife Crossings, Colorado USA

Wildlife crossings in the Rockies

Renewed Afsluitdijk

A national monument

Steel-concrete viaduct, Alkmaar

Viaduct across highway A9, Alkmaar